Friday, September 23, 2011


This year has been a very busy year in the tropics for storms. Ophelia is out there churning in the Atlantic but she is not expected to come near the Virgin Islands. The one thing about storms is that they come when you least expect them or don't want them. They usually make a lot of commotion for a while and then they disappear. You can't ignore them. The only way to survive a storm successfully is to go through it. There are lessons we learn when we go through storms that can be of help in the future when the next storm rolls in...and storms will come again!
It is so true also in our life as missionaries. Just as God has control of which tropical storm we will experience, He also controls the "storms" that come into our lives. They are there to teach us something. Sometimes it is to learn to have more faith, more patience, trusting God even though we can't see the outcome, or any number of other lessons. Isaiah 26:3 is one of my favorite verses. "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee."
I will have to admit that is hard to do sometimes. We recently found out that our rent where we are currently living will double in price on November 1st. We have been blessed to stay here for a reduced price for these last  few months. Billy has not been able to find much work (work that provides an income that is) though he has been busy with work projects. We are taking this as an opportunity to see how God provides for the need in this situation. What direction does He want to take us in. The key is to remain open to whatever possibilities are out there and to be willing to follow the Lord's leading. Though this storm came at a time that seemed inconvenient to us we know that God is in control and He will bring glory to His name through the solution!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Eager Learners!

This is the group of Children's Church students we had for our second week. We had 15 eager learners and 9 of them recited their memory verse from last week! Children are so much more open to hearing the Good News that God loves them, sent His Son to die for their sins, rose again and will be coming back soon!

Jesus said in the book of Mark, "Verily, I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein."  Mark 10:15

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Kite Flying at College

This morning the AWANA Club from The Way of The Cross Baptist Church headed to The University of The Virgin Islands to fly kites! It was a beautiful day with just the right amount of wind to fly kites, or at least after a few attempts! We had "kids" of all ages and at times some of the adults seemed to be having just as much fun as the kids.

Ice water and juice helped us cool off before heading home. Thanks to Pastor Sam and Cristal Bronigan for planning this fun time!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Children's Church

Sunday, September 11, 2011 was our first day of Children's Church at The Way of The Cross Baptist Church here on St. Croix. It was an exciting day for us as well as the children. Fifteen eager and energetic children ages 5-9 made their way to our classroom where we began in Genesis with the Creation story. Our puppets also sang a couple of songs, they did some coloring sheets and finally played "Hot Frog" a game that originated from our sending church in Tennessee. The children were sent home with their memory verse and information about the "Mailbox Club." There were smiles all around, from the children's faces as well as the parents. Our two helpers did a great job and needless to say we were exhausted but already planning the lesson for next week! We are sorry we have no pictures but we were so busy getting ready we forgot the camera. We will have pictures soon! Thanks for all your prayers.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Drivers License

$90.00 and two hours later we both have US Virgin Island Driver's Licenses. Both of us were a little sad to leave our Tennessee licenses behind. We had them about 17 years and a lot of our life together was spent in Tennessee. But it is a good thing because it is under God's leading hand that we are here and making the Virgin Islands our home.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

July ~ August Newsletter

We Made It Safely Back!
In July we found ourselves busy visiting churches, sharing the ministry here on St. Croix and making plans and preparations to return to the island. After saying our good byes we drove from Maine to Miami where we shipped our car. Thanks to those who helped with the shipping expenses! The Lord blessed us with a safe trip and the fellowship of some very sweet people!

Tropical Storms
Tropical storms Emily and Irene welcomed us back in August. Irene left us without power for 5 1/2 days. Billy made us a window seat in our apartment. Underneath it is filled with hurricane supplies and non perishable food in the event of a major storm.

Repairs Before It Will Work!

Clean Up!

And More Clean Up!

Before & After
Billy and Pastor Harrigan pressure washed, made some repairs, and painted a church members house. She was delighted!
AWANA Training
We spent a Saturday in an AWANA training program at The Way of The Cross Baptist Church. We will be helping in that ministry on Friday evenings when it starts up in early September.

We are working on getting everything ready for Children's Church which begins September 11th. The little ones are excited and can't wait...neither can we! Our mother bird sits upon her nest of colored eggs full of goodies for those who memorize verses from God's Word.

"Arise, cry out in the night: in the beginning of the watches pour out thine heart like water before the face of the Lord: lift up thy hands toward him for the life of thy young children, that faint for hunger in the top of every street." Lamentations 2:19

Nurse Notes
School is back in session. Cecilia continues to work three days a week as the school nurse at Free Will Baptist Christian School. Each new day provides opportunities to show Christ's love to students. Attendance is down a little this year because of the economy. Several families moved back to the states to find jobs and government workers had to take a big reduction in pay.

In August Billy applied for and received his TWIC Card (Transportation Worker Identification Credential.) This allows him to access security areas and opens more doors of job opportunities. He has his application in at two companies. We are trusting the Lord to open doors that He wants opened and close doors He wants closed. Since we are new on the mission field we realize that we will need to work. Both of us desire jobs that allow us the time and energy to work in church ministries as well as meet our financial needs.

Our New Grandbaby Will Be A Girl!

A lot happens in our daily lives which is next to impossible to put in a newsletter. That's why we have our own blogspot. Save us under your favorites list and come back often. Our desire is to be good listeners to God's voice and obey when He tells us to do something. Thanks for your prayers!

It costs 11.2 cents per kilowatt hour in the states for electricity. Here it costs about 42 cents. It has been a challenge to adjust to not having air conditioning! There are power outages quite often here.

Praises & Prayer Requests
Our car shipped to the island
Safety during tropical storms
God's faithfulness daily
Wonderful church family

Prayer Requests
Children's Church
Continued spiritual growth
Safe hurricane season
Ministry opportunities

Thank you so much for your prayer and financial support for the work here in St. Croix.
Blessings your Way,
Billy & Cecilia Stone

Tax deductible contributions may be sent to
YES Ministry
P.O. Box 700697
St. Cloud, FL  34770
or online at