Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Spring 2013 Newsletter

God Provides Again!
In our last newsletter we had shared the good news about housing...to our surprise the house came under contract! Within a week the Lord gave us clear direction on a house closer to the center of the island as well as work and church. During Easter break from school we packed up and moved again. This seems to be a much better fit for us and it still has a view of the Caribbean Sea!
Mission Team From St. Cloud, Florida
New Beginnings Baptist Church from St. Cloud, Florida sent their first mission team to St. Croix in April. Five energetic, fun loving friends stepped off the plane and began a week long ministry that has blessed many. They painted the upstairs and downstairs at Altona Baptist Church, Pastor David Beal did the Passover Meal Presentation, Pat E Kake, the clown, entertained the children at Free Will Baptist Christian School, Wordless Books were made and passed out to the children, some Cruzan foods eaten, and a whirlwind tour of the island. What a blessing and encouragement they were for us and the people they connected with. It was a sad morning when we took them back to the airport but we are looking forward to a trip in the future, Lord willing.
"Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor." Ecclesiastes 4:9
Billy, Paul Sham and Pastor David Beal painting the inside of the church.

Susan James, Pat Sham and Wanda Lehman making Wordless Books to give to the children in Chapel. (In between painting!)

Pat E Kake and Nurse Stone

Passover Meal Presentation
Our final night together before they headed home. They accomplished far more than we anticipated!
It seems like no sooner than the team left and another team came, a team of thieves. They cut the electrical line from the pole to the church. Then pulled it from underground, more than 100 feet in length and more than likely sold the copper that was in the wire. Sunday morning services were broadcast on the radio via a generator.
Prayer Breakfast
Altona Baptist Church had a Prayer Breakfast on Saturday, March 23rd. Billy spoke on the importance of prayer in our daily lives. There were about 35 present and lots of praying for needs of our nation, island, church and families.
Heading Home
Tuesday, May 28th we leave St. Croix at 5:30 pm and will arrive in Maine on a morning flight the next day. We will be there just three weeks this year. We will try and pack in time with family and friends, presenting the ministry to several churches, work, purchasing items needed here on the island and hopefully a little kayaking on Maine's beautiful waters!
Praises & Prayer Requests
Ministry opportunities
Mission Team Ministry
Prayer and financial supporters
Prayer Requests
Ministry at Altona Baptist Church
Power to be restored
Trip to Maine
Opportunities to share the Gospel
Health & Safety
Wisdom & Guidance
Mission Team coming in July
We would like to thank each of you for your part in this ministry here on St. Croix. Some pray, some give, and some come. All are needed to make it effective.
Billy & Cecilia
Tax deductible contributions may be sent to
YES Ministry
PO Box 700697
St. Cloud, FL 34770


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