Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Summer 2013 Newsletter

Mission Team
Faith Baptist Church
Kissimmee, Florida
On Wednesday July 17th we headed to the airport to pick up a 14 member mission team from Kissimmee, Florida. They arrived with suitcases full of food and materials and lots of energy and a heart's desire to do service for the Lord.
Worship service at Altona Baptist Church


The men tore up a classroom floor, damaged by termites and put down new plywood. The temperature in that room must have been close to 100 degrees! A new light/ceiling fan was also added.

Pamela and Kristie painted a wall mural for the new classroom.

Painting, painting and more painting. The outside of the church is completely painted and looks so bright and clean.

The kitchen and bathroom were painted as well.

The men installed 7 ceiling fans/lights in the fellowship hall, replacing lights that were old and working occasionally.

New shelving was made for a downstairs closet. For a week they worked in hot, humid weather, some sleeping on air mattresses without the luxury of air conditioning.
"...for the people had a mind to work."
Nehemiah 4:6
Mission Team Memories
Daniel, age 15 and Joshua, age 11 were busy hauling old brush and watching for centipedes.

The women painted and cleaned as well as prepared 3 meals a day for 16 people. New tablecloths along with the ceiling fans made for a bright and welcoming fellowship hall.



Meals, snacks, drinks, and paper products as well as money for meals and food were donated by Altona Baptist Church members. What a huge blessing to have everyone working together in the Lord's House.

Testimony Time

The team sang as well as shared testimonies of what the mission trip meant to them.

Some much deserved beach time!

Words can not express our thanks for all the mission team meant to us. They accomplished so much work for our church, provided the supplies needed, and added some wonderful friendships to our lives. It was a sad day when we dropped them off at the airport but the wonderful memories will last forever.
The Days & Weeks Ahead
Both of us are back at work, involved in ministry at our church and with the school. We anticipate a move in the future as the homeowner of the house we are staying in returns to the island. We both are anxious to settle into a house that is a little more long term. We are working to expanding Family Night at church and doing the weekly church bulletins. Our desire is to not only have a close personal relationship with the Lord, but to encourage and lead others to do the same. We appreciate your prayers and financial support. We especially need your prayers as we work here on the island. God opens the doors but it is up to us to go through them. May our eyes and ears be open to His leading and directions.

Praises & Prayer Requests

Ministry Opportunities
Mission Team Success
Prayer and Financial Supporters

Prayer Requests
Ministry at Altona Baptist Church & Free Will Baptist Christian School
Safe Hurricane Season
Opportunities to Share The Gospel
Health & Safety
Wisdom & Guidance

Thank you so much for all you have done. We look forward to seeing what God has ahead.

Billy & Cecilia

Contact Information
340-643-0820 Billy
340-643-0821 Cecilia

Tax deductible contributions may be sent to
YES Ministry
P O Box 700697
St. Cloud, FL  34770


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