Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A Still Small Voice

The times that you know God is speaking to your heart are times you want nothing else but Him. Life in its busyness keeps us from hearing Him more often. I am guilty of that many times. But even then God still desires to speak to me.
Today God has brought back to mind a time not so long ago..four years this month. I was working full time as a school nurse in Tennessee. It was a good job, good people to work with and a good secure income. But deep within my heart I sensed God told me it was time to leave that position. Nothing was wrong, it didn't make sense...I just knew that He said it was time. So I gave my two week notice, not knowing why or what was going to happen. Within that week my mother became hospitalized. Thursday they diagnosed her with kidney failure. I knew that I would need to make a trip to Maine. Friday morning about 3 am, I was awakened from my sleep, called the hospital, talked to the nurse and her advice was to come home. I called the airport, found a 6:00 flight, and was packed and out the door to the airport at 5:00 to catch my flight. All this happened as a big snowstorm was coming.
My connecting flight was in Atlanta and as I hurried to my next gate I got the call from my sister that my mother was gone. All alone...my God did not fail me. He placed a big young man next to me on the plane with a heart of gold. He asked me where I was going and I told him. He gave me a big bear hug. I don't remember his name but I do know the One who sent him and planned for him to sit beside me on that early Friday morning flight home. That was precious! Although I did not get to see her again, I know God had a reason and I trust Him. In His timing I will see her again in Heaven.
January 29, 2010 is the day the Lord called her home.

As we were seeking God's direction with our lives, we sensed He wanted us to be full time in missions. Billy felt the need to return to St. Croix where he had served four months on a short term mission trip in 1989. It did not make sense to us as our finances were limited. But in February we booked our flights to St. Croix and followed the leading of the still small voice. In April we stepped on the island of St. Croix and without a doubt knew that's where God wanted us to serve Him. Although there have been some difficult times, there have also been some tremendous blessings.

I'm writing all this to say had we not listened to the still small voice, where would we be today? And even more importantly  I know that I have missed many blessings for not listening for that still small voice. My desire is to make more time...deliberately choose more quiet times. Others may not understand this but there is nothing more precious than knowing God wants to spend time with me and have that personal relationship.

"And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice."  1 Kings 19:12


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