Sunday, May 11, 2014

Spring 2014 Newsletter

Easter Sunrise Service
Easter weekend is a time when many people from the island camp out on beaches. Several people from Altona Baptist Church camp out at Cramer Park on the east end of St. Croix. Traditionally the Sunrise service has been held there. Billy had the privilege to give the message. There were about 35 people present, many of whom were young people.
He also assisted with a baptism. This was especially nice as the 68 year old woman had accepted Christ as her Savior a few months ago when he had preached.
God splashed a rainbow across the sky just before the Sunrise Service!

Movie Night
In March we showed the movie "The Passion of The Christ." We had a good turnout that night. This was the first time seeing this movie for several people. Although it was a difficult movie to watch, it was one that we all agreed touched us in many ways.
Cecilia told the Easter Story during chapel services at the elementary school. The children loved the "Resurrection Eggs" and were eager to see what symbol of Easter was in each colored egg. The favorite was the last one which was empty...just as the tomb was on that Resurrection Sunday.
"And the angel answered and said unto the women, fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay."
Matthew 28:5-6
Ministry at Free Will Baptist Christian School
Blessings come along when you serve the Lord that you could never imagine. Cecilia was able to coordinate and accompany the fifth grade class on a field trip on the historic Roseway Schooner. World Ocean School, based out of Camden, Maine, comes to St. Croix each winter.
Students on the island learn navigational skills, as well as history, math, science and teamwork as they sail in the Caribbean. Three hours a day for a week they climbed aboard and were sailing partners with the staff of the Roseway. Rough seas at times were a challenge but overall the children and their teachers loved it! It was Amazing!
Carpentry & Construction Projects
Billy worked with another missionary at the school repairing roofs, painting and building some new shelving for the library and physical education equipment.
Construction has begun on the new addition at The Way of the Cross Baptist Church. Billy was able to stop by and help when the concrete floor was poured. He will be helping out with the roof once the block walls are finished. What a blessing to see this happening as construction had been delayed when Hovensa, the oil refinery, closed.
Stateside Ministry
We leave St. Croix June 10 for seven weeks. It will be a working, seeing family & friends, sharing ministry at churches, and SOME much needed vacation time. The end of the trip we fly to Atlanta to see Darrin & Charlie...three years is a long time without seeing them. That visit will be brief as we head back to St. Croix on July 31.
Prayer Requests
Ministry Opportunities
Trip to Maine
Employment in these tough economic times
Prayer and financial supporters
Prayer Requests
Speaking engagements in Maine
Quality family time
Health & Safety
Wisdom & Guidance
Return to island July 31
Thank you so much and we look forward to seeing some of you this summer!
Billy & Cecilia
Tax deductible contributions may be sent to:
YES Ministry
P O Box 700697
St. Cloud, FL  34770

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