Thursday, May 14, 2015

Spring 2015 Newsletter

The Difference A Year Can Make...

In The Life Of A Baby
With lots of care and love a baby can go from a helpless newborn to a toddler walking and exploring his or her surroundings. It's amazing how much a baby changes in just one year! 

In The Construction Of A New Home
Once the first shovel of dirt has been dug, hours of hard work go into completing a new home. Much happens in a year on an empty house lot. A family can begin to make memories!

In The Life Of A Bible College Student
The student spends hours in one year in preparation for a life of ministry. With limited financial resources, students sacrifice family, etc. to attend college. Upon graduation they return to their homes and invest in the lives of others.

In The Service Of Missionaries On The Field
Buildings to be repaired, landscape maintained, office work, health issues addressed, and serving in the local church are just some of the many ways that missionaries can make an impact in other's lives.

All of these above situations require a lot of hard work to make a positive difference!

"But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust corrupt..."
Matthew 6:20


Aerial View of Bluewater Bible College & Institute

College Life
We have been here at Bluewater Bible College & Institute for almost three months now and we have hit the ground running. We have settled into our apartment on campus, found a church home, and are adjusting to island life here on St. Thomas. Not only is the landscape more mountainous, but the population, though about the same as St. Croix, is on a much smaller piece of rock!
April was Bluewater Bible College month, which meant the students traveled to several churches and presented a program of song, testimony and preaching. Our responsibility was to work along with the students to get them prepared for this ministry. They all did an excellent job. It was a blessing to get to know each of them!

Ministry On Campus
Billy has no lack of work projects! There are nine buildings on campus and each one has multiple maintenance and repair needs. Since the college budget is tight (common for mission schools) he has had to be creative in finding ways to take care of these issues. He also has been busy with the chainsaw and weedwacker. Since the property is on a hillside, lawnmowers are not much use. Everything must be done by hand. The students, in their spare time, help with some of the work as they are part of a work/study program.
Cecilia has set up an office for nursing as well as office work. She also helps Billy as they work on apartments used for visiting professors and mission teams. Those home improvement shows we watched on HGTV are really coming in handy!

Mission Teams Needed!!
If you have ever thought about a mission trip or been on any in the past, Bluewater Bible College & Institute could use your help. We are a mission school in need of all kinds of workers. If you can clean, are organized, have carpentry, plumbing, electrical, masonry, tile, painting experience, or can cook this is the place for you! We ask you to pray to see if God has a mission trip in your future. Let us know if you feel His leading to come. We can help you walk through the process of this rewarding ministry.

We thank you for your prayers and financial support. Prayer is the most important need, We have also stepped into this area of ministry without any salary. We are trusting God to work through His people to meet our financial needs so we can stay here on campus this next year and do the work He has called us to do.
We will be staying on campus this summer and will not make a trip home until the summer of 2016. We feel that God has asked us to commit for a year here and although we would love to go home, we need to be obedient to His will. He has done so much for us!

Praises & Prayer Requests
Church Home
Health & safety
Ministry at Bluewater Bible College & Institute

Prayer Requests
Ministry at Bluewater Nible College & Institute
Financial Support (We are at about 35%)
Students at Bluewater
Summer Camps at the College

May the Lord bless you for your part in this ministry!

Billy & Cecilia

Tax deductible contributions
May be made online at
or mail to
YES Ministry
PO Box 700697
St. Cloud, FL  34770

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