Monday, May 30, 2011

Goodbye For A While..But We'll Be Back Soon

In just a couple of days we will be leaving the island of St. Croix. WOW! There are a lot of different emotions. We are anxious to see family and friends we haven't seen...some at least a year ago. We fly into Orlando, visit a supporting church, and then head to the Atlanta area to see Darrin & Charlie. They promised to have the grill fired up and some good southern cooking! Then on to our sending church in Tennessee, and then to Vermont for an overnight visit and then Lord willing we will arrive in Maine on June 11th. We have a cabin there where we will spend a few weeks and then time to see Ryan, Nicole, Lindsy, Lexi, Kaiden, Kylie and Bobby. Can't wait!

But on the other hand we have come to love this island. Yes, the beaches are beautiful and the weather is great. That's not the reason it  is hard to say good bye. It's that God has given us a love for the people here. We have a wonderful church family and friends at our work places. At Youth With A Mission there are three very special young people who have blessed our lives more than they realize.
Sometimes it is hard to believe we live here. There are times when it is not easy but we see those times as God developing our character and perseverance, as well as strengthening our faith.
Yes, it will be hard to say goodbye..but on the other end there are some awesome hello's and hugs we are looking forward to. And before you know it, we will be saying goodbye to our loved ones in Maine and saying our hello's to the people of this island we have learned to call home.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

It's The Little Things That Matter

I came home from work yesterday and my wonderful husband had bought me these flowers and a card! It is true with women... it is the little things that matter. Husbands will never know how important it is to do these special things for their wives. He chose my favorite color roses...yellow and even had to convince thle florist not to use an orange vase. I, as well as most women, want to know that our husbands love us. That is how God has designed our hearts. But I must remember that my husband desires my respect as that is how his heart is wired.
"Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband." Ephesians 5:33