Friday, December 6, 2013

Fall Newsletter 2013

Worship At Altona Baptist Church
Myrna and Stephanie, worship leaders at Altona Baptist Church, also wear many other "hats" in ministering at our church and in the community. They have servant hearts and are also wonderful cooks.
Altona Baptist Church, the oldest Baptist church on the island,
celebrated it's 55th Anniversary in October.
Before & After
The Sunday School Room
 What a joy to start the fall off in our new classroom upstairs. The mission team from Faith Baptist Church in Kissimmee, Florida did a great job!
This group of young people are busy practicing puppetry and singing for the Christmas program on December 15th. Fluffy fabric has come to life and we are looking forward to the debut of
 "Patchwork Pals" puppets.
A Tragedy At School
A week before school started two of our teachers had to suddenly go back to the states for a medical emergency. The husband was diagnosed with metastatic cancer.
On October 14th, one of our ninth grade students tragically drowned. That was and still is a very difficult time for our students and school staff. It is as times like this that it is hard to understand but at the same time we know that God does not make mistakes and he is still ultimately in control. This was an opportunity to share the love of Christ with students and each other.
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."
Isaiah 55:8-9
Moving Into Our New Apartment
Once again we found ourselves looking for a place to live. The homeowner was returning to the island (which we knew was going to happen). Both of us were ready to move into a place that did not require work in exchange for a place to live. With our work and ministry schedules, it was becoming too much. We prayed about our needs and brought them before the Lord. In early November we moved into a downstairs, two bedroom apartment. It is very private, safe and hurricane ready. It even has a view of the mountains and sea. The owners have two dogs which are an extra blessing. Rentals and electrical bills are high on the island so we find our budget is tight. But overall we believe this is where the Lord would have us live. With a high crime rate on the island and hurricanes, safety was our first priority.
Different Cultures
People from all over the world have made St. Croix their home. Just as these eggs are a variety of color, size and shape, so are the cultures here on the island. Each offers it's own unique characteristic but inside each one is the same. Each person has a soul that Jesus died for. He desires a close personal relationship with each one.
Prayer Requests
Ministry opportunities
Quiet hurricane season
Prayer and financial supporters
Prayer Requests
Ministry at Altona Baptist Church & Free Will Baptist Christian School
Opportunities to share the Gospel
Health & Safety
Wisdom & Guidance
Thank you so much for your prayers for the ministry here on St. Croix.
May you have a
Merry Christmas
A Blessed New Year
Billy & Cecilia
Tax deductible contributions may be sent to
YES Ministry
P O Box 700697
St. Cloud, FL  34770