Monday, January 16, 2012

Chattanooga School Nurses Are The Best!

For ten years I worked in the Chattanooga/Hamilton County School System as a School Nurse. Along the way I met some of the best nurses, one especially is Sheryl Rogers, my former supervisor. She has a heart for meeting the needs of children. Last year, when I first came to St. Croix, all I had was a stethescope to practice nursing with. She, and the rest of her school nurses gathered supplies and helped me get off to a good start as a School Nurse here.

This year at Christmas they chose my school and the children of this island as recieptants of 5 big boxes of school supplies, toys, candy, personal hygiene items, and lots of toothbrushes and toothpaste.

It was like Christmas all over again! I had such a good time unpacking and sorting through all the things. They sent me hand sanitizer...even some Bath & Body Works scented type! What a treat! 

There were stickers to hand out to sick or injured children. It makes coming to the nurse a lot more pleasant.

The children will be delighted to get these much needed supplies! And of course a sweet treat!

I do a personal hygiene class for the fourth and fifth grade students. They think I am wonderful when I give them a paper sack of soap, washcloth, deodorant and a comb, even though I explain it comes from the school nurses in the states.

Enough colored pencils and crayons to be divided among the students!

In February I do a dental health class at the elementary school. There are enough supplies for each child to receive a new toothbrush, toothpaste and floss. Some of these items were donated by Chattanooga area dentists.

Children love to get surprises! These items are a great way to develop personal relationships with the children. They see the school nurse as a person who can teach them about health issues, a person who cares for them and someone they can trust.

More pictures and information will follow once the items are sorted and given to the children.

Thank you to the Chattanooga School Nurses!
Your hands of love have reached to the children here on St. Croix!

"As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith." Galatians 6:10

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