Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Island of St. Croix Needs Your Prayers!

These were the headlines this morning in our island newspaper. Yesterday we heard the news that Hovensa, the oil refinery that employs about 2500 people on the island, will shut down in a month. To some it may not seem like a big deal but remember we are a small island and a large business closing the doors leaves many unemployed. The job situation here is not good, and recently the government announced laying off 1000 people. The Virgin Islands is also the 8th most deadliest place to live according to recent news.

This island is in urgent NEED of prayer. The loss of jobs has a rippling effect that at this time is hard to describe. For instance I work at a Christian school where parents pay to send their children for a good education. Many of these parents work for Hovensa. What does that mean for the school? For the students? For us? There are a lot of unanswered questions at this time.

Hugo was the hurricane that devastated the island in 1989.

We have and continue to learn that during any crisis, God is STILL IN CONTROL!
Our church has a sign for the year 2012 that says

 Can God?     God Can!

We have been praying for a revival on this island. God is doing a work here! When things appear to be spiraling out of control...remember God knew this was coming and He has a plan. Our responsibility is to pray, be obedient to what He says to do and keep our eyes on Him!

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways: then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."       2 Chronicles 7:14

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