Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My New Brother In Christ!

Sometimes in life you find yourself in a position to make a difference in another person's life. It's usually not those earth shattering, seeing fireworks moments. It's during the simple day to day activities of life. A young man here at Youth With A Mission knocked on my door a week ago and needed someone to look at a broken leg on a table. Since Billy, the expert at those things, was not here I took a look. Later while walking in the yard we stopped for a while and talked. God quickly became the center of our conversation. I look back now and see that God had our paths cross and that nothing happened out of coincidence. Without going into detail, this young man made a personal decision to invite Christ into his heart and life to be His Lord and Saviour. A week later I am still in awe of God and how He works through our lives...

Joo, my new brother in Christ!

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