Sunday, February 26, 2012

January ~ February 2012 Newsletter

Recent Headlines

Hovensa, the large oil refinery here on St. Croix is closing it's doors. 2500 people will be out of work. For an island this size, it has a huge impact. Unemployment is already high, the government is dependent on the tax revenue from Hovensa, several private schools benefit from this company and it's donations, and the ripple down effect is already being felt. Gas prices have jumped $.40 a gallon this month. In June they anticipate much higher gas prices since gasoline and oil will have to be shipped in. Of course that affects food prices, cost of utilities, etc.

Hugo was the hurricane that devastated the island in 1989.

The Big Question is "How are families going to survive?"
Many people are talking about leaving the island in search of work and a new beginning. Many have mortgages, children and roots deep here on the island. The older workers will have a tougher time making the transition after years working for the refinery. Our hearts go out to the people of St. Croix. Having been in the midst of the decline in the construction business in the states, two years of trying to sell our house, and starting over in a different life, we know some of what the people here will be going through.


The only answer is placing our trust in God, the creator of the universe, Jesus, our Lord and Saviour, and the Holy Spirit, who comforts, teaches and guides in our lives.
Does that mean there won't be tough times ahead? NO! It just means that during the tough times there is Someone who WILL be there every step of the way.

What Are We Doing?
We are finding ourselves praying more, taking more time for Bible study, and trusting God more than we have ever done before. There is plenty of work to be done if you are willing to volunteer your time and energy.

Billy recently laid some tile in the Director's house at Youth With A Mission. He also continues with his van ministry. Seems like when a bill is due, the Lord opens the door for another paying work project. He recently has done some work for Altona Baptist Church. Cecilia continues to work part time as a school nurse at a mission school.

God is STILL at Work!

Joo, our new brother in Christ, lives in Korea. While here on a mission trip he prayed with Cecilia and made a decision to invite Jesus into his heart and life. He is a young man seeking after the heart of God. We look forward to hearing how God will use him!

Good News! D"Andre does not need surgery at this time. Thanks for your prayers!

Ky'Danya is back with us in Children's Church!! God has answered the prayers of His people.

School Supplies
School nurses from Chattanooga sent 5 boxes of school supplies, toys and candy to the children here on the island. More school supplies are being gathered as we write this newsletter. A Family Partner Specialist is working hard in the Chattanooga area to gather much needed items for the 2012-2013 school year. God's perfect timing with the closing of Hovensa!

Children's Ministry
Children's Church continues to be a joy. The children are eager to worship God on their level. Several of the children have prayed the prayer of salvation and we are working with them one on one to make sure they understand true salvation. Their little hearts are much more open and tender for the things of the Lord.

CEF Training
We both attended a Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) Training Workshop. The new director is in Missouri for 6 weeks of training. Plans are under way to start Bible Clubs on the island. What an exciting time! More news to some!

Our New Phone Numbers
340-643-0820  Billy
340-643-0821 Cecilia

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."  Psalm 46:1

Salvation of Joo
D"Andre's health
God's faithfulness in providing for our needs.

Prayer Requests
Safety with rising crime
Joo and his ministry
The young people to seek God and His ways
Ministry opportunities
Affordable Housing
CEF outreach

We thank you so much for your prayers and financial support. It is the perfect time for us to be here on this island and there is a lot of work ahead.

Billy & Cecilia

Tax deductible contributions may be sent to
YES Ministry
P.O. Box 700697
St. Cloud, FL  34770

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