Sunday, March 4, 2012

Friends in Need

 I really like this picture! Their smiles can brighten any day!
We met Curtis and Faye Yancey about 18 years ago at Gamble Road Baptist Church. It was a Wednesday night service and they immediately came up to us with a smile and handshake and told us they were glad we were there. Over the years we came to know and love them and their chidlren, Chris and Hannah. Curtis was one of our deacons. He has a heart for the Lord and was very instrumental in helping to meets the needs of our church family and getting the church's gymnasium to come together. Faye also has a heart for the Lord and for children. Wednesday nights you would find her working with the children and then teaching a Sunday School class. They were committed to raising their children in church and in setting an example of Godly parents.
It was a sad day when the Lord moved them to another church to serve but we understood. God had a plan for their lives and they were being obedient in following His ways.
Friday, March 2, 2012 their home was destroyed by a tornado. Everyone was safe but at first we asked "Why did God allow this to happen to such a good family?"
Sometimes in life there are no easy answers. This tragedy came into their lives, just as it did many others in that area. We are asking for prayer for this family and all those affected by this tornado.

"The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." James 5:16

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