Thursday, March 1, 2012

Tropical Island Turmoil

This afternoon we heard lots of cars honking out behind the property here at Youth With A Mission. As we went to check on the noise we saw a large group of people who appeared to be protesting. They were heading towards the hospital just up the road from here. Yesterday 86 people were laid off from their jobs at this government owned hospital. Car after car was following the group with loud horns blaring and soon they were heading back down the road. My camera had a glitch and by the time it was fixed the group had passed by. But you could still hear them as they headed west.
Now it has quieted down. But one thing we have noticed is that the sound of sirens has increased over this island during the last month. We praise God we live in a gated area and have watch dogs at night. We are hearing of break ins and shootings. Darkness comes early on the island and seems like that's when life changes here.
I am so glad my trust is in the Lord and He is my Protector!

Photo update on day 2 of protest. Over 100 people with children showed their concern for the layoffs.

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