Saturday, April 28, 2012

March ~ April Newsletter

Most Exciting News!

Two children in Children's Church accepted the Lord in March. This young man was recently baptized and the little girl will be following in His foot steps soon.

Each week these children eagerly come to learn more about God. Jamie Harrigan, our helper, is just a kid at heart and he does a wonderful job with the children!

The Economy

Hovensa, the oil refinery, closed it's doors April 20. 2500 workers were left without jobs, and life will change on this island. Gas and oil will have to be imported. That increase will be seen in the cost of gas, food and other necessities.

St. Croix Community Concert of Prayer

We attended this event on April 15, 2012.
"In light of the events impacting St. Croix, we have chosen to gather as a community, with both a common heart and purpose, to pray for the state of our Territory and to fulfill the Biblical mandate to pray for our leaders."
Churches from all over the island along with the Governor spent two hours praying for the needs of our island.

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
2 Chronicles 7:14

Trip to St. Thomas
The first week in April was Spring Break from school. We used this opportunity to sail to St. Thomas with John and Mary Hines, Ministry Development Coordinators with Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF). Our low budget, peanut butter and jelly sandwich meal trip, took us about 8 hours to sail the 39 miles across the Sea in their 38 foot sail boat. The fellowship, whales in the distance, and the beautiful weather made it a trip for our memory book.


At Bluewater Bible College
While in St. Thomas we spent two nights at Bluewater Bible College. Interim President Rich Davis and his wife Jo Ann shared some of the needs at this unique college.

Young men and women from the West Indies come here to prepare for a solid Biblical education. When done they are pastors, teachers, and Christian leaders in the Caribbean. We attended the Chapel Service just before we left and it was AWESOME!

There are a lot of maintenance, and some administrative needs at the college as well.

Checking out the new building!

What's Ahead?
Billy has done some work at Altona Baptist Church. Cecilia continues as a school nurse. The economic situation here is not good but we know God is in control still. You have prayed along with us for affordable housing and God has answered our prayers. We also moved during Spring Break to a two bedroom apartment out in the country. God connected us with a couple who need some work done on their house as they prepare to put it on the market in the fall. They are not charging us rent...we see it as an opportunity to serve God in helping to meet their needs while they meet our needs.
The view is spectacular!

God has clearly shown us He wants us to be here in the Virgin Islands for now. The needs are great and sometimes it is hard to not over commit ourselves. We still need some time to spend in God's Word and our relationship with Him, each other and friends and family. But we also know we need to be busy doing the work God has called us to do. We need wisdom from Him and open doors of opportunity.
To God be the Glory!

Heading Home
You will find us in Maine from May 26th-July 28th. It will be a busy time working, visiting family & friends and sharing what God is doing in the Caribbean!

Praises & Prayer Requests
Salvation of 2 children
Supporters provide plane tickets to go home
Our new apartment
Open doors to ministry
Health & Safety

Prayer Requests
Jobs for the people of St. Croix
For the people to turn to the Lord for help
Opportunities to share the needs in the Caribbean
CEF ministry on the islands
Wisdom & Guidance

Billy & Cecilia

Tax deductible contributions may be sent to 
YES Ministry
PO Box 700697
St. Cloud, FL  34770
or online at

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