Thursday, April 19, 2012

Our New Home

As many of you know and have prayed along with us we have been seeking affordable housing. That is our biggest expense here on the island. For 18 months we were able to rent an apartment at the Youth With A Mission Base. This place was a wonderful, safe place for us to get used to life here on the island. It was centrally located and always had some exciting adventures going on there!
After months of praying God has blessed us with our new home. It is more than we could have imagined or sought for ourselves. With 60,000 people on the island, only God could have arranged this. We, with a need for housing, were connected with this couple, who had a need for someone to do some maintenance work on their home as they prepare to put it up for sale later this year. Beneath their house is a 2 bedroom furnished apartment. It is way out in the country, with a breathtaking view of the Caribbean Sea and Buck Island. We are high upon a hill with falcons, lots of other birds, deer and other island creatures. We can see St. Thomas and St. John on clear days as well as crusie ships. White sailboats make daily trips to Buck Island, a beautiful underwater park. Horses are in a field down below in the distance. The mountains to the side provide a quiet, peaceful retreat.
God has outdone Himself!
We believe we have the greatest prayer warriors out there!

The View!

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