Friday, August 10, 2012

God and His Plans

It has been almost two weeks since we returned to the island of St. Croix. It seems like the summer just flew by. Speaking of was on our flight here that we saw again how God has a plan and it's our responsibility to get aboard that plan or miss the trip entirely! We got an early morning message from the airline that our 8:00 flight had been postponed until 9:15 so the pilots could get their needed rest. Apparently there had been some stormy weather the night before and they were late getting in to Maine. Their advice was to still get to the airport on time while they worked out our flights. We were tempted to take our time and go an hour later but since we, as well as our ride were already up, we headed to the airport.
After we were dropped off we began the process of checking in. The lady behind the counter said, "you heading to San Juan?" No, our flight ends in St. Croix. After some more checking she announced that our flight would get in too late to catch the last flight to St. Croix and we would have to spend the night in San Juan...just a 20 minute flight to St. Croix!
This is where we see God's plan unfold. Although there was a long line she began to work feverishly to see what she could do. Finally she told us we could catch the flight to Philadelphia that was leaving at 7:01 instead of going to Charlotte, North Carolina.  It was now about 6:30 and we had not even cleared security. We said yes! She said we were one of the lucky ones but we know God worked all that out. We raced to security and made it all the way through except one piece of luggage. The security guy asked if that was our luggage. What a sinking feeling! Our projector was in that bag and should have been removed just as laptops have to. With a quick scan of our bag we were racing to catch our flight. Just as we arrived at our gate they were paging us for the last call. The agent told us we had to check that bag since the overhead compartments were full. No time to think on that our bag with our projector, important papers, etc was taken and we made it to our seats on time. Meanwhile we were sure our projector would get broken, important papers gone and we might never see that bag again!
Because of the change of plans, we were able to make our connecting flight to St. Croix and arrive on time as scheduled.
God had a plan and it was our responsibility to follow His leading. Sometimes in life that is hard as we as humans are emotional, logical and stubborn people. We don't adjust to change well and most times we think we know the best way to go. We have found that God will sometimes appear to make a change in the course of our lives...but it really was His plan all along.
And about the luggage with the arrived safely and all in one piece! Thank you Lord!

"Show me thy ways, O LORD; teach me thy paths." Psalm 25:4

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