Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Summer 2012 Newsletter

Culture Shock at Home
On May 26th we left St. Croix early in the morning and arrived home to our cabin in Maine around midnight. It was a long day but worth it to be in our home state. We encountered some culture shock which surprised us. This was the first time we had come directly off the mission field and home in one day. We usually had a few days of traveling by car to get used to being back.
We had to adjust to driving back on the right side of the road, having so much to choose from in the stores, and the emotions of seeing family and friends once again. Both of us felt like our heads were spinning, but within a week we began to feel like we could function like "normal" people! Our porch swing that overlooks the pond was a great place to sit and think upon the things of life!

The Lord provided Billy with a full schedule of work for the summer. He remodeled two kitchens in our campground and fixed up ours. We finally had running water in the kitchen and newer used cabinets. He also did some work and other odd jobs for some of our supporters and people we knew.

Speaking Engagements

We had the opportunity to show our slide presentation to six different groups/churches while we were in Maine. We were able to let people know about the needs in the Virgin Islands. There are some beautiful places to see and resorts for the vacationer. However, there is the need for people to trust the Lord and live for Him.

Gathering Supplies

Summer seems to be the catch up time for getting the things we need. Prices are less in the states and there is a much better selection. Billy's transition glasses had literally crumpled inside his lenses so he had to get new glasses. We had to purchase a new laptop and camera. The camera "died" and the laptop was not far behind. We bought some much needed clothes and personal items. It is still less expensive to buy and pay the price of shipping than it is to buy on the island.

Back on the Island in July

Saturday morning on July 28th we headed back to St. Croix. There was a change in flights at the last minute that left us running to catch our plane. We arrived safely! One of our cars started but Billy's had to have a boost...which eventually led us to getting a new battery a week later. Cecilia's car had to have a new tire. The tread was peeling off on her first day back to school. The salt water and roads are rough on automobiles.

Work on the Island

Billy was able to start work on some painting and remodeling jobs. People want their houses fixed up so they can sell them and move to the states. Cecilia was able to go back to her school as a part time school nurse. Enrollment, though down from last year, is better than we had hoped with the closing of the oil refinery.

Stepping Out of Our Comfort Zone

For the past 16 months we have been members of a wonderful church here on St. Croix. Our pastor has been a great shepherd for us, and we have come to love the people there. But for the last few months we have felt the Lord pushing us out of our comfortable "nest." Although we were active in our church, we felt there was something more the Lord wanted us to do. We felt His leading to Altona Baptist Church, here on St. Croix. There is a work there which takes us both out of our comfort zone, but we are trusting the Lord.

"Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established."
Proverbs 16:3

Our trip to Maine
Jobs upon our return here
Both cars running good
Open doors to ministry

Prayer Requests
Our ministry at Altona
Medical supplies for the school
Opportunities to share the Lord
Health & Safety
Wisdom & Guidance

Thanks for your prayers.
Billy & Cecilia

Tax deductible contributions may be sent to
YES Ministry
PO Box 700697
St. Cloud, FL  34770

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