Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Interesting Update!

Yesterday we posted our latest Blog Spot and sent out our winter newsletter.
Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!
Just a little Gomer Pyle humor...but then in life you need that sometimes.
An offer was made and accepted on the house we just moved into. It had been on the market several years and when we moved in we had no idea it would sell that fast.
Needless to say we are disappointed...but our faith still stands strong in the Lord. We know without a doubt we were to come here, and since He has allowed it to be under contract we know He has something more planned for us that at this time we do not see or understand. Again, we say our faith in the Lord still stands strong. He does NOT make mistakes so we are trusting Him, maybe even more so than we did before.
We met the lady who is buying it and enjoyed hearing how she wants to restore this old captain's house. We feel blessed to have been here as long as we have.
So stay tuned for the next step in our journey. It will probably be an interesting one!

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