Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Winter 2013 Newsletter

God's Provision
We have seen God's Hand of provision time and time again. We had been staying in an apartment on the east end of the island. We had done work to help get the house ready to go on the market. We knew at some point we would have to find another place to live. After Christmas we talked to a realtor we knew and she connected us with the owner (off island) of a home in downtown Christiansted. It was up for sale but needed a lot of work to get it marketable. Again, the Lord provided a place for us to stay in exchange for labor. And it has a view of the harbor! So in just a few days we had our things packed and moved. Our commute to work and church and weekly gas budget has been cut in half. The negative is living with "house under construction!"
"But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:19
Family Night
Family Night still seems to be quite popular. In December we showed "The Nativity", in January we watched "Facing The Giants" and February brought a large group out to see "Fireproof." A good time of fellowship and refreshments make for a good evening for families. We will continue this til May and then take a break during the summer months while people are away from the island.

Cecilia taught this mission story from Child Evangelism Fellowship to the elementary students during chapel service. This is a blessing to the students as well as the presenter. Children are so open and their hearts fully trusting to the things of God.
Mission Teams Coming
We have two mission teams coming to St. Croix. A group from New Beginnings Baptist Church in St. Cloud, Florida will arrive in April all ready to help in any way they can. In July a team from Faith Baptist Church in Kissimmee, Florida will be here for a week. There is a lot of work that needs to be done and we are thankful for the help.
Early one evening we heard a loud crash and screaming just outside our window. A SUV had rolled back into another SUV. A little 4 year old girl escaped what could have been a disastrous situation. She was getting in the back seat and there was about a foot of space between her and the other car. She was able to crawl to safety in her mother's arms with only a scrape on her arm. We stayed with the family til help arrived.
Youth Sunday & Sunday School
The second Sunday of the month is set aside for Youth Sunday. The young people sang, read Scripture, and took the tithes and offerings. What a blessing to see the young people serving the Lord as a young age. The director of CEF, Sam Bronigan, here on the island was the special speaker that day. Billy is scheduled to speak during March's Youth Sunday. We continue to teach Sunday School and work on the Church work projects.
No Water!
For 7 days we were without city water as downtown construction affected our water pressure. Billy converted the pump to cistern water to get us by for a few days. Once the water pressure came back up to normal, he worked on our pipes to clear rust and dirt before it reached the pump.
Praises & Prayer Requests
Ministry Opportunities
Salvation of an older lady during the morning message
God's provision of a house
Safety of a little girl
Water once again
Prayer Requests
Ministry at Altona Baptist Church
Opportunities to share the Gospel
Health & Safety
Wisdom & Guidance
Mission Teams Coming
We thank you so much for your prayers and financial support.
Billy & Cecilia
Contact information
Billy ~ 340-643-0820
Cecilia ~ 340-643-0821
Tax deductible contributions may be sent to
YES Ministry
P O Box 700697
St. Cloud, FL  34770
or online at

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