January~February 2011
Greetings from the Island of St. Croix
We are just finishing up our fourth month here yet it feels like we have lived here a long time. It feels a lot like home! There is no denying that we are enjoying the beautiful weather while many of our family and friends have been shoveling snow. But we do look forward to some rainy weather as it has been very dry here.
Billy continues to work three days a week at the Lighthouse Mission with building and renovation projects. He shares the Word of God with the 25-30 homeless who come in for breakfast. There are four men who take turns with the devotionals and his day is on Mondays with an occasional fill in spot if someone is away. He also is working two days a week at Southgate Baptist Church with some maintenance projects.
The big projects he has been working on are the “Liberty Theater,” the exterior of Lighthouse II, and the roof. He has also done some renovations inside, some preparations for a concrete ramp, and lots of painting. A couple of the men who come in for breakfast helped with some of the painting. The upcoming project is the kitchen renovation. The cook is excited about more cabinet space, a new sink and a new exhaust system to be installed in March. Prior to that, another door way was cut through concrete to make room for traffic in and out of the kitchen. It was a dusty mess and it took a team to clean!
We continue to teach a Sunday School class for students in grades K-grade 2. They are energetic but eager to learn. They are bused in from Christiansted and most have never attended church. We play a game where we pretend we are the “parents” and they are our “children”..an interesting adventure keeping them settled in their seats 40 minutes while waiting to be dismissed to Jr. Church! Crayons and color sheets are a life saver.
We are able to do some small work projects at Youth With A Mission. Billy helped install some hurricane shutters in preparation for the summer months.
Opportunities to share God’s Word with the homeless and children
Faithful prayer and financial supporters
Good health and a car that runs good (with A/C!)
Prayer Requests:
That the hearts of those hearing the Word would soften and be receptive
Our house is back on the market at a reduced price..we need to sell it!
Safety on the roads as they are narrow, huge pot holes, and drivers veer to avoid them. Kind of scary at times to meet oncoming cars!
We thank you for your continued prayer and financial support. There are many days we have needed extra strength and grace from the Lord. “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 15:58
In Christ’s Love,
Billy & Cecilia
Follow us on www.CaribbeanMission.blogspot.com
Learn more about the ministry at http://www.yeservants.org/ or www.CaribbeanMissions.com
Tax exempt financial contributions can be made online at http://www.yeservants.org/ or to YES Ministry,
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