Monday, February 21, 2011

My Husband is an Awesome Man of God

My husband, Billy Stone, is quite a unique man. I don't brag on him enough but today I feel like I need to. He has the biggest, most tender heart for people. I believe God has him just where He wants him to be. He is working at the Lighthouse Mission on St. Croix doing maintenance and building projects. Each Monday morning he shares a message from the Bible with the group of 25-30 homeless men and women of the streets. His heart's desire is to see them accept the Lord as their Saviour and to get a new start on life.  He also works with some of the men, trying to get them involved in some type of work projects. He has been known to crawl under an old house, where termintes and centipedes live, to fix a sagging floor for the poor.
He is a wonderful husband and makes sure I feel secure in his love and committment. He also has a heart for children...which brings us to this picture with his puppet Kenya. His 6ft 1in height strikes quite a picture with the children and the homeless.  He is not afraid to humble himself to touch someone's life.
The Lord has blessed me with this man and I want people to know what an Awesome Man of God he is!

1 comment:

  1. This is one BIG HEARTED guy. I agree with you are writing here Cecilia. He has a lot of love to give, and I am praying for you two as you continue with your work.
