Thursday, December 8, 2011

Ali Cecilia Smith

Soon little Ali will be entering this world. She is our sixth grandchild. Each of the others are very dear to us. But this is the first grandchild that I have been such a part of her life before she arrived. When Ryan & Nicole told us in June they were expecting we were totally surprised. God has blessed me with the best daughter in law! She invited me to go with her to one of the ultrasounds so Lindsy, my oldest granddaughter, and I went and had such a good time. My little grandbaby was barely a couple of inches and she was bouncing all around in her mom's womb. What a precious sight!
Soon we had to leave to come back to St. Croix, which is a long way from Maine! But more ultrasound pictures and updates came from Nicole. October brought us the news that there were some indications the baby would come early. Prayers were prayed and bed rest followed. She is due around January 15th and God has kept her safe inside while she develops and grows each day.
Probably the sweetest thing happened to me on October 24th. Ryan & Nicole chose to name her 
Ali Cecilia Smith!

Words can not describe the emotions that brought. It doesn't look like I will be able to be there when she is born but since I know Nicole, I will have LOTS of pictures sent my way!
Now we just hurry up and wait!

"But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

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