Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Fall 2012 Newsletter

Behind The Pulpit
November 11 is a day worth remembering! Billy preached his first Sunday morning message at Altona Baptist Church. Our pastor was ill and hospitalized, the assistant pastor was away and since Billy had been teaching Sunday School and leading the Bible study during the mid week service, he was the next choice. Although a little nervous, he did a good job (according to the congregation!)
Sunday morning services are broadcast on the radio here on the island at www.wstx.net. Billy will continue to be speaking and assisting the pastor while he is recovering and when he returns.
Family Night
We have started a Family Night where we show Christian movies. The first night we showed "Flywheel" and had about 25 people out. It is a good way to invite neighbors and friends into our church. We will be showing "The Nativity" on December 8th.

Every Wednesday, Chapel is held on both the High School and Elementary Campus. Cecilia has been able to present the Bible lesson for both services at the elementary school once a month. They have about 110 students from K-3 through Grade 4. They loved the puppets! What a blessing to be able to teach God's Word to these little ones.
Mission Opportunity
Have you ever thought you would like to go on a short term mission trip? Do you want to make an eternal difference in the lives of others? Would you like to escape the cold weather and come to a beautiful tropical island?? If you said YES to any of these questions we could use your help. Whatever gift God has given you can be used here on the island. Our home church could use some painting, cleaning, light carpentry, plumbing, etc. There are also other needs on the island we can help with. Let us know if you would be interested in coming.
There is a mission team coming in April 2013. At that time we will need paint and other supplies to do the work on the church. If you are able to help with any of these needs or give towards this work...please contact us.
Billy ~ 340-643-0820
Cecilia ~ 340-643-0821
Some beautiful sights the mission team will experience after a day's ministry here on the island.
Sunday School for Children
Our church has an adult Sunday School class as well as one for teens. Now we will be expanding it for children ages 5-17. There is a lot of work to do to get ready...cleaning, painting and gathering supplies. The greatest need is children to fill the seats and we need you to pray with us for it to all come together.
"But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal." Matthew 6:20
Praises & Prayer Requests
Ministry Opportunities
Safe Hurricane Season
God's Provisions
Salvation of a Woman during the Morning Message
Prayer Requests:
Ministry at Altona Baptist Church
Opportunities to share the Gospel
Health & Safety
Wisdom & Guidance
Sunday School supplies
Thank you so much for your prayers.
May you have a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!
Billy & Cecilia
Tax deductible contributions may be sent to:
YES Ministry
P O Box 700697
St. Cloud, FL  34770
or online at

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Hummingbirds & Hurricanes

I have a new porch swing I love to sit in and watch what's happening in the world around me. Late yesterday afternoon I was watching the clouds roll in from Tropical Storm Rafael. The forecast originally showed it to come right across the island. We had cleaned up plants and lightweight chairs from the deck so the wind would not blow them around. I planned to leave the hummingbird feeders up til after dark so the birds could get their dinner. But I noticed it was quiet of birds chirping and flying around. It came to me they were sheltered someplace safe waiting for the storm to pass. No one on TV or the radio informed them it was coming. None had read the news headlines advising them to be ready with storm preparations. No...God took care of them.
"Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they? Matthew 6:26
I love the last part of this verse. If God takes such good care of the little birds in a storm, He will surely take care of me. What comfort that is. All kinds of storms come into our lives. Some could be financial, emotional, family conflict, illness, and the list is endless.
I have gone through storms without a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and many more storms since the day I received Him as my Savior. What a huge difference with Him carrying me through the storm. There is peace, comfort, guidance and hope. Never do I want to go it alone again...and with Him I know I am not alone. I am sheltered under His care just as the little birds are when storms come.
How do you go through the storms in life? In your own strength and wisdom? Where is the peace, hope, and guidance?
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."   Matthew 6:33

Monday, October 8, 2012

25 Years Old Today

Today I am celebrating my 25th Birthday!
I wasn't sure I could write about it this morning. I did not sleep well, and when I went for my morning walk I noticed I had a flat tire. BUT it IS important that I do write about it because it is the most amazing thing that has ever happened in my life.
I was 33 years old, facing the reality that my second marriage was failing and my life was in a mess. There was no joy, peace or hope. Despair and depression were at my front door. I was working full time in a doctor's office and raising two sons. Most people would have said I was a good person. But there was something wrong with my life. The emptiness of knowing I was not loved created such low feelings of self worth.
It was a Friday morning and I had taken the day off from work. I knew I needed help. All alone in my home I began to think upon some things my friend Shirley had talked to me about over the last year and a half. I first met her when I was called by a doctor to see if I wanted to be their office nurse. Since we worked together on a daily basis we had lots of time to talk. She was a church going person and talked about God and Jesus a lot. I would listen but that was not for me. I had come to the conclusion that there could not have been a God as there was so much pain and suffering in the world as well as in my life. Why would God allow these things to happen?
Patiently she would share how God had created all things but sin had entered the world through the choices of Adam and Eve. Since then we were all sinners and in need of forgiveness. The only one who could provide forgiveness was Jesus. But that came with a price. He chose to die upon the cross to take the punishment for mine as well as every one's sins (wrongdoings). That was something I could not do for myself. On the third day He arose and is now in Heaven...to someday return for those people who have accepted Him as their Saviour.
I remember driving to an appointment I had and just crying out to God and accepting what He had done, and knowing I needed Him. I felt a weight lifted, peace and a hunger to know more about God. I knew my life was going to be different and not sure how people would accept me for the decision I had made. But it didn't matter as I knew I had done the right thing.
I would like to say my life got so much better but the bottom seemed to fall out. I was left alone with my two sons, facing some tough situations to deal with. I will have to say that I felt truly loved for the first time in my life. During the dark nights, the love of Jesus carried me through some valleys to huge mountaintop experiences.
Jesus was what I was seeking and needing so much in my life. I was finally complete.
I was born again.
That's why I can say that today is my 25th Birthday!
He has changed my life so much and is still working on me! I am so thankful for His love, grace and mercy!
 "Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3:3

This is one of the songs God used in my early days as a Christian.
It is still so true today!


Saturday, September 29, 2012


I was able to do both Chapel services for children in grades K-3 through grade 4. There were about 110 energetic elementary children that came Wednesday morning. However the teachers were quick to remind them it was Chapel and their behaviour needed to reflect that. After a few songs, Misfit, my dog puppet came out to sing "Jesus Is My Best Friend."
The Bible story focused on how Jesus is our best friend. In the book of Daniel the three young men were thrown into the fiery furnace because of their commitment to God. As the story continues there is one more man in there... the Son of God.
Jesus crucifixion and resurrection give hope to those who have accepted Him as their Savior...truly making Him our Best Friend!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Summer 2012 Newsletter

Culture Shock at Home
On May 26th we left St. Croix early in the morning and arrived home to our cabin in Maine around midnight. It was a long day but worth it to be in our home state. We encountered some culture shock which surprised us. This was the first time we had come directly off the mission field and home in one day. We usually had a few days of traveling by car to get used to being back.
We had to adjust to driving back on the right side of the road, having so much to choose from in the stores, and the emotions of seeing family and friends once again. Both of us felt like our heads were spinning, but within a week we began to feel like we could function like "normal" people! Our porch swing that overlooks the pond was a great place to sit and think upon the things of life!

The Lord provided Billy with a full schedule of work for the summer. He remodeled two kitchens in our campground and fixed up ours. We finally had running water in the kitchen and newer used cabinets. He also did some work and other odd jobs for some of our supporters and people we knew.

Speaking Engagements

We had the opportunity to show our slide presentation to six different groups/churches while we were in Maine. We were able to let people know about the needs in the Virgin Islands. There are some beautiful places to see and resorts for the vacationer. However, there is the need for people to trust the Lord and live for Him.

Gathering Supplies

Summer seems to be the catch up time for getting the things we need. Prices are less in the states and there is a much better selection. Billy's transition glasses had literally crumpled inside his lenses so he had to get new glasses. We had to purchase a new laptop and camera. The camera "died" and the laptop was not far behind. We bought some much needed clothes and personal items. It is still less expensive to buy and pay the price of shipping than it is to buy on the island.

Back on the Island in July

Saturday morning on July 28th we headed back to St. Croix. There was a change in flights at the last minute that left us running to catch our plane. We arrived safely! One of our cars started but Billy's had to have a boost...which eventually led us to getting a new battery a week later. Cecilia's car had to have a new tire. The tread was peeling off on her first day back to school. The salt water and roads are rough on automobiles.

Work on the Island

Billy was able to start work on some painting and remodeling jobs. People want their houses fixed up so they can sell them and move to the states. Cecilia was able to go back to her school as a part time school nurse. Enrollment, though down from last year, is better than we had hoped with the closing of the oil refinery.

Stepping Out of Our Comfort Zone

For the past 16 months we have been members of a wonderful church here on St. Croix. Our pastor has been a great shepherd for us, and we have come to love the people there. But for the last few months we have felt the Lord pushing us out of our comfortable "nest." Although we were active in our church, we felt there was something more the Lord wanted us to do. We felt His leading to Altona Baptist Church, here on St. Croix. There is a work there which takes us both out of our comfort zone, but we are trusting the Lord.

"Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established."
Proverbs 16:3

Our trip to Maine
Jobs upon our return here
Both cars running good
Open doors to ministry

Prayer Requests
Our ministry at Altona
Medical supplies for the school
Opportunities to share the Lord
Health & Safety
Wisdom & Guidance

Thanks for your prayers.
Billy & Cecilia

Tax deductible contributions may be sent to
YES Ministry
PO Box 700697
St. Cloud, FL  34770

Friday, August 10, 2012

God and His Plans

It has been almost two weeks since we returned to the island of St. Croix. It seems like the summer just flew by. Speaking of flying...it was on our flight here that we saw again how God has a plan and it's our responsibility to get aboard that plan or miss the trip entirely! We got an early morning message from the airline that our 8:00 flight had been postponed until 9:15 so the pilots could get their needed rest. Apparently there had been some stormy weather the night before and they were late getting in to Maine. Their advice was to still get to the airport on time while they worked out our flights. We were tempted to take our time and go an hour later but since we, as well as our ride were already up, we headed to the airport.
After we were dropped off we began the process of checking in. The lady behind the counter said, "you heading to San Juan?" No, our flight ends in St. Croix. After some more checking she announced that our flight would get in too late to catch the last flight to St. Croix and we would have to spend the night in San Juan...just a 20 minute flight to St. Croix!
This is where we see God's plan unfold. Although there was a long line she began to work feverishly to see what she could do. Finally she told us we could catch the flight to Philadelphia that was leaving at 7:01 instead of going to Charlotte, North Carolina.  It was now about 6:30 and we had not even cleared security. We said yes! She said we were one of the lucky ones but we know God worked all that out. We raced to security and made it all the way through except one piece of luggage. The security guy asked if that was our luggage. What a sinking feeling! Our projector was in that bag and should have been removed just as laptops have to. With a quick scan of our bag we were racing to catch our flight. Just as we arrived at our gate they were paging us for the last call. The agent told us we had to check that bag since the overhead compartments were full. No time to think on that subject...so our bag with our projector, important papers, etc was taken and we made it to our seats on time. Meanwhile we were sure our projector would get broken, important papers gone and we might never see that bag again!
Because of the change of plans, we were able to make our connecting flight to St. Croix and arrive on time as scheduled.
God had a plan and it was our responsibility to follow His leading. Sometimes in life that is hard as we as humans are emotional, logical and stubborn people. We don't adjust to change well and most times we think we know the best way to go. We have found that God will sometimes appear to make a change in the course of our lives...but it really was His plan all along.
And about the luggage with the projector...it arrived safely and all in one piece! Thank you Lord!

"Show me thy ways, O LORD; teach me thy paths." Psalm 25:4

Monday, July 23, 2012


Hebrews Chapter 11, in my opinion, is the greatest chapter on faith in the Bible. In just a few days we fly back to the island of St. Croix. Each time we go back our faith in God seems to be tested. Will He make the way clear? Will He provide for our needs? What challenges does He have ahead for us? Many questions but no answers..yet!

Our only solution, and the BEST solution, is to step out in faith and go!. God IS faithful. He will not let us down. Just as He was there for so many other people in the past...He will be there for us once again.
Take a few minutes today and read through Hebrews Chapter 11. You will be blessed!

"But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."  Hebrews 11:6

Saturday, April 28, 2012

March ~ April Newsletter

Most Exciting News!

Two children in Children's Church accepted the Lord in March. This young man was recently baptized and the little girl will be following in His foot steps soon.

Each week these children eagerly come to learn more about God. Jamie Harrigan, our helper, is just a kid at heart and he does a wonderful job with the children!

The Economy

Hovensa, the oil refinery, closed it's doors April 20. 2500 workers were left without jobs, and life will change on this island. Gas and oil will have to be imported. That increase will be seen in the cost of gas, food and other necessities.

St. Croix Community Concert of Prayer

We attended this event on April 15, 2012.
"In light of the events impacting St. Croix, we have chosen to gather as a community, with both a common heart and purpose, to pray for the state of our Territory and to fulfill the Biblical mandate to pray for our leaders."
Churches from all over the island along with the Governor spent two hours praying for the needs of our island.

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
2 Chronicles 7:14

Trip to St. Thomas
The first week in April was Spring Break from school. We used this opportunity to sail to St. Thomas with John and Mary Hines, Ministry Development Coordinators with Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF). Our low budget, peanut butter and jelly sandwich meal trip, took us about 8 hours to sail the 39 miles across the Sea in their 38 foot sail boat. The fellowship, whales in the distance, and the beautiful weather made it a trip for our memory book.


At Bluewater Bible College
While in St. Thomas we spent two nights at Bluewater Bible College. Interim President Rich Davis and his wife Jo Ann shared some of the needs at this unique college.

Young men and women from the West Indies come here to prepare for a solid Biblical education. When done they are pastors, teachers, and Christian leaders in the Caribbean. We attended the Chapel Service just before we left and it was AWESOME!

There are a lot of maintenance, and some administrative needs at the college as well.

Checking out the new building!

What's Ahead?
Billy has done some work at Altona Baptist Church. Cecilia continues as a school nurse. The economic situation here is not good but we know God is in control still. You have prayed along with us for affordable housing and God has answered our prayers. We also moved during Spring Break to a two bedroom apartment out in the country. God connected us with a couple who need some work done on their house as they prepare to put it on the market in the fall. They are not charging us rent...we see it as an opportunity to serve God in helping to meet their needs while they meet our needs.
The view is spectacular!

God has clearly shown us He wants us to be here in the Virgin Islands for now. The needs are great and sometimes it is hard to not over commit ourselves. We still need some time to spend in God's Word and our relationship with Him, each other and friends and family. But we also know we need to be busy doing the work God has called us to do. We need wisdom from Him and open doors of opportunity.
To God be the Glory!

Heading Home
You will find us in Maine from May 26th-July 28th. It will be a busy time working, visiting family & friends and sharing what God is doing in the Caribbean!

Praises & Prayer Requests
Salvation of 2 children
Supporters provide plane tickets to go home
Our new apartment
Open doors to ministry
Health & Safety

Prayer Requests
Jobs for the people of St. Croix
For the people to turn to the Lord for help
Opportunities to share the needs in the Caribbean
CEF ministry on the islands
Wisdom & Guidance

Billy & Cecilia

Tax deductible contributions may be sent to 
YES Ministry
PO Box 700697
St. Cloud, FL  34770
or online at

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Our New Home

As many of you know and have prayed along with us we have been seeking affordable housing. That is our biggest expense here on the island. For 18 months we were able to rent an apartment at the Youth With A Mission Base. This place was a wonderful, safe place for us to get used to life here on the island. It was centrally located and always had some exciting adventures going on there!
After months of praying God has blessed us with our new home. It is more than we could have imagined or sought for ourselves. With 60,000 people on the island, only God could have arranged this. We, with a need for housing, were connected with this couple, who had a need for someone to do some maintenance work on their home as they prepare to put it up for sale later this year. Beneath their house is a 2 bedroom furnished apartment. It is way out in the country, with a breathtaking view of the Caribbean Sea and Buck Island. We are high upon a hill with falcons, lots of other birds, deer and other island creatures. We can see St. Thomas and St. John on clear days as well as crusie ships. White sailboats make daily trips to Buck Island, a beautiful underwater park. Horses are in a field down below in the distance. The mountains to the side provide a quiet, peaceful retreat.
God has outdone Himself!
We believe we have the greatest prayer warriors out there!

The View!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Our Basket of Eggs!

These plastic eggs can be found in stores everywhere. We use them in Children's Church as a reward for memorizing Bible verses. They are filled with "goodies."

Today they are being used for something else. Life can be filled with all kinds of things to do, bombarding even the most self controlled person. God does NOT expect us to do everything, even when they are good things to do. We have to learn to have balance in our lives and do what He desires, not what we or other people desire of us. Even Moses, from the Old Testament, learned to delegate responsibilities.
Lately we have found that our "basket" is becoming too full of good things. Each egg represents something that needs to be done...but not necessarily by us. As we pray and seek the Lord's guidance, those "eggs" that we don't need to concern ourselves with are tossed out. But watch out, someone may try to put an egg in your basket that doesn't belong!! The "eggs" we are supposed to work with will stay and "hatch" in God's perfect timing!

"Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not."  Jeremiah 33:3

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Fruits of Our Labor

Recently we picked some fresh peas from our garden box. There were not enough for a meal but a taste just the same. When we planted them we knew it was too warm for them to grow here. They need a cool start.
It is always fun to see the fruits of our labor.
Even more exciting is to see children accept the Lord. Last week we saw a little 8 year old boy trust the Lord and this week a little girl made the decision to accept Jesus as her Saviour. Their hearts were tender and ready. Our job was to plant the seeds, and when the Holy Spirit led, to be ready to lead them in the sinner's prayer. God has a plan for these young lives. They have a lifetime to know and serve Him.
Like I said it is always fun to see the fruits of our labor!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Friends in Need

 I really like this picture! Their smiles can brighten any day!
We met Curtis and Faye Yancey about 18 years ago at Gamble Road Baptist Church. It was a Wednesday night service and they immediately came up to us with a smile and handshake and told us they were glad we were there. Over the years we came to know and love them and their chidlren, Chris and Hannah. Curtis was one of our deacons. He has a heart for the Lord and was very instrumental in helping to meets the needs of our church family and getting the church's gymnasium to come together. Faye also has a heart for the Lord and for children. Wednesday nights you would find her working with the children and then teaching a Sunday School class. They were committed to raising their children in church and in setting an example of Godly parents.
It was a sad day when the Lord moved them to another church to serve but we understood. God had a plan for their lives and they were being obedient in following His ways.
Friday, March 2, 2012 their home was destroyed by a tornado. Everyone was safe but at first we asked "Why did God allow this to happen to such a good family?"
Sometimes in life there are no easy answers. This tragedy came into their lives, just as it did many others in that area. We are asking for prayer for this family and all those affected by this tornado.

"The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." James 5:16

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Tropical Island Turmoil

This afternoon we heard lots of cars honking out behind the property here at Youth With A Mission. As we went to check on the noise we saw a large group of people who appeared to be protesting. They were heading towards the hospital just up the road from here. Yesterday 86 people were laid off from their jobs at this government owned hospital. Car after car was following the group with loud horns blaring and soon they were heading back down the road. My camera had a glitch and by the time it was fixed the group had passed by. But you could still hear them as they headed west.
Now it has quieted down. But one thing we have noticed is that the sound of sirens has increased over this island during the last month. We praise God we live in a gated area and have watch dogs at night. We are hearing of break ins and shootings. Darkness comes early on the island and seems like that's when life changes here.
I am so glad my trust is in the Lord and He is my Protector!

Photo update on day 2 of protest. Over 100 people with children showed their concern for the layoffs.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

January ~ February 2012 Newsletter

Recent Headlines

Hovensa, the large oil refinery here on St. Croix is closing it's doors. 2500 people will be out of work. For an island this size, it has a huge impact. Unemployment is already high, the government is dependent on the tax revenue from Hovensa, several private schools benefit from this company and it's donations, and the ripple down effect is already being felt. Gas prices have jumped $.40 a gallon this month. In June they anticipate much higher gas prices since gasoline and oil will have to be shipped in. Of course that affects food prices, cost of utilities, etc.

Hugo was the hurricane that devastated the island in 1989.

The Big Question is "How are families going to survive?"
Many people are talking about leaving the island in search of work and a new beginning. Many have mortgages, children and roots deep here on the island. The older workers will have a tougher time making the transition after years working for the refinery. Our hearts go out to the people of St. Croix. Having been in the midst of the decline in the construction business in the states, two years of trying to sell our house, and starting over in a different life, we know some of what the people here will be going through.


The only answer is placing our trust in God, the creator of the universe, Jesus, our Lord and Saviour, and the Holy Spirit, who comforts, teaches and guides in our lives.
Does that mean there won't be tough times ahead? NO! It just means that during the tough times there is Someone who WILL be there every step of the way.

What Are We Doing?
We are finding ourselves praying more, taking more time for Bible study, and trusting God more than we have ever done before. There is plenty of work to be done if you are willing to volunteer your time and energy.

Billy recently laid some tile in the Director's house at Youth With A Mission. He also continues with his van ministry. Seems like when a bill is due, the Lord opens the door for another paying work project. He recently has done some work for Altona Baptist Church. Cecilia continues to work part time as a school nurse at a mission school.

God is STILL at Work!

Joo, our new brother in Christ, lives in Korea. While here on a mission trip he prayed with Cecilia and made a decision to invite Jesus into his heart and life. He is a young man seeking after the heart of God. We look forward to hearing how God will use him!

Good News! D"Andre does not need surgery at this time. Thanks for your prayers!

Ky'Danya is back with us in Children's Church!! God has answered the prayers of His people.

School Supplies
School nurses from Chattanooga sent 5 boxes of school supplies, toys and candy to the children here on the island. More school supplies are being gathered as we write this newsletter. A Family Partner Specialist is working hard in the Chattanooga area to gather much needed items for the 2012-2013 school year. God's perfect timing with the closing of Hovensa!

Children's Ministry
Children's Church continues to be a joy. The children are eager to worship God on their level. Several of the children have prayed the prayer of salvation and we are working with them one on one to make sure they understand true salvation. Their little hearts are much more open and tender for the things of the Lord.

CEF Training
We both attended a Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) Training Workshop. The new director is in Missouri for 6 weeks of training. Plans are under way to start Bible Clubs on the island. What an exciting time! More news to some!

Our New Phone Numbers
340-643-0820  Billy
340-643-0821 Cecilia

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."  Psalm 46:1

Salvation of Joo
D"Andre's health
God's faithfulness in providing for our needs.

Prayer Requests
Safety with rising crime
Joo and his ministry
The young people to seek God and His ways
Ministry opportunities
Affordable Housing
CEF outreach

We thank you so much for your prayers and financial support. It is the perfect time for us to be here on this island and there is a lot of work ahead.

Billy & Cecilia

Tax deductible contributions may be sent to
YES Ministry
P.O. Box 700697
St. Cloud, FL  34770

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My New Brother In Christ!

Sometimes in life you find yourself in a position to make a difference in another person's life. It's usually not those earth shattering, seeing fireworks moments. It's during the simple day to day activities of life. A young man here at Youth With A Mission knocked on my door a week ago and needed someone to look at a broken leg on a table. Since Billy, the expert at those things, was not here I took a look. Later while walking in the yard we stopped for a while and talked. God quickly became the center of our conversation. I look back now and see that God had our paths cross and that nothing happened out of coincidence. Without going into detail, this young man made a personal decision to invite Christ into his heart and life to be His Lord and Saviour. A week later I am still in awe of God and how He works through our lives...

Joo, my new brother in Christ!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Some Good News!

The school nurses in Chattanooga sent some much needed school supplies to our students at Free Will Baptist Christian School here in St. Croix. Some items have been distributed and some will be given out in February during National Dental Health Month. This group of 5th and 6th graders were all smiles when I gave them crayons and colored pencils. I made sure they knew who had sent them from miles away!

Happy 5th Grade Students...Happy Teachers!

6th Graders

Kids are always happy to get a surprise!

Thank you Chattanooga School Nurses!

Answers To Some Of Life's Questions

Sometimes in life you go through some experiences and wonder how it will all work out but most of all you wonder why this happened in the first place. This week God has answered that question for one of those journeys for us. As I had written recently Hovensa, the oil refinery here on the island, is closing in a month, leaving many without jobs and possibly any hope of finding another one. The job opportunities are quite bleak here to be honest. God IS able to provide one, but maybe there is some work that needs to be done in the hearts of those losing the jobs. Maybe God wants us to have a deeper closer walk with Him. He knows that when things are going well our relationship with Him is not as close. Maybe God has a work He wants to do through you and the only way He can do that is to have a broken heart.

God allowed us to go through the job loss experience. Billy had a good business building homes, with employees, making a very good income. The bottom fell out in the home construction business and the small businesses could not keep going. Some major adjustments had to be made in our lives. We still had a mortgage payment, the regular bills that go along with life, and auto repairs, etc. Now many would be quick to ask "What did you do wrong?" We also asked that question. Things in life just happen sometimes!

But God had a plan, which at the time we couldn't see. We were actively involved in our church, reading our Bible, and felt we were doing what God wanted us to do. God began to rekindle the fire in our hearts for missions. It made sense to put our house on the market to sell. We contacted a realtor and soon people were coming to look over our house. Now that was uncomfortable at first. We had built the house from the foundation up ourselves and still had mixed emotions about selling it. Months went by and no sale. Since the housing market was not good for the seller, we kept reducing and reducing until finally after two years it sold. We came out debt free with very little profit. That still hurts today!

During those two years, work projects came in to help us keep our head above water. The bank worked with us so we could pay interest only on our house mortgage. It was a rough two years...but God was faithful! As our hearts were breaking, He began to mold and shape our hearts to line up with His desires for the plan He had for our lives. All we could do at times was to just trust and obey...seemingly with no answers.

But God still had His plan He was working on. We came to St. Croix as missionaries in November 2010. Both of us have been working while trying to raise support to stay here. God gave us the opportunity to start a Children's Church and be involved in the bus ministry for children. The other morning before going to work, I felt God clearly speak to my heart. It was like He was saying you KNOW what it feels like to lose a business, have to sell your home, and start over. You need to help those and show them there is hope. The only hope is in Jesus Christ!

What an AWESOME God we serve!

"Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God." 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Island of St. Croix Needs Your Prayers!

These were the headlines this morning in our island newspaper. Yesterday we heard the news that Hovensa, the oil refinery that employs about 2500 people on the island, will shut down in a month. To some it may not seem like a big deal but remember we are a small island and a large business closing the doors leaves many unemployed. The job situation here is not good, and recently the government announced laying off 1000 people. The Virgin Islands is also the 8th most deadliest place to live according to recent news.

This island is in urgent NEED of prayer. The loss of jobs has a rippling effect that at this time is hard to describe. For instance I work at a Christian school where parents pay to send their children for a good education. Many of these parents work for Hovensa. What does that mean for the school? For the students? For us? There are a lot of unanswered questions at this time.

Hugo was the hurricane that devastated the island in 1989.

We have and continue to learn that during any crisis, God is STILL IN CONTROL!
Our church has a sign for the year 2012 that says

 Can God?     God Can!

We have been praying for a revival on this island. God is doing a work here! When things appear to be spiraling out of control...remember God knew this was coming and He has a plan. Our responsibility is to pray, be obedient to what He says to do and keep our eyes on Him!

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways: then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."       2 Chronicles 7:14

Monday, January 16, 2012

Chattanooga School Nurses Are The Best!

For ten years I worked in the Chattanooga/Hamilton County School System as a School Nurse. Along the way I met some of the best nurses, one especially is Sheryl Rogers, my former supervisor. She has a heart for meeting the needs of children. Last year, when I first came to St. Croix, all I had was a stethescope to practice nursing with. She, and the rest of her school nurses gathered supplies and helped me get off to a good start as a School Nurse here.

This year at Christmas they chose my school and the children of this island as recieptants of 5 big boxes of school supplies, toys, candy, personal hygiene items, and lots of toothbrushes and toothpaste.

It was like Christmas all over again! I had such a good time unpacking and sorting through all the things. They sent me hand sanitizer...even some Bath & Body Works scented type! What a treat! 

There were stickers to hand out to sick or injured children. It makes coming to the nurse a lot more pleasant.

The children will be delighted to get these much needed supplies! And of course a sweet treat!

I do a personal hygiene class for the fourth and fifth grade students. They think I am wonderful when I give them a paper sack of soap, washcloth, deodorant and a comb, even though I explain it comes from the school nurses in the states.

Enough colored pencils and crayons to be divided among the students!

In February I do a dental health class at the elementary school. There are enough supplies for each child to receive a new toothbrush, toothpaste and floss. Some of these items were donated by Chattanooga area dentists.

Children love to get surprises! These items are a great way to develop personal relationships with the children. They see the school nurse as a person who can teach them about health issues, a person who cares for them and someone they can trust.

More pictures and information will follow once the items are sorted and given to the children.

Thank you to the Chattanooga School Nurses!
Your hands of love have reached to the children here on St. Croix!

"As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith." Galatians 6:10